The Friends of Pātaka Winter Music Series, a beloved annual event in Porirua, is nearing the end of its 19th year with resounding success. Known for bringing world-class music to the local community, this series has once again provided a unique, free winter event that has attracted attendees from all over Wellington. The series highlights renowned musicians and showcases emerging local talent, offering a diverse range of musical performances.
The 2024 Winter Music Series has been held in the Helen Smith Room at Pātaka, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm on four consecutive Sundays. The lineup has featured a blend of classical, indie folk, choral, and contemporary music, ensuring there was something for everyone.
Closing the series on 11 August is Sunset Special, a group of talented young musicians from Porirua College. Having been jamming together for two years, they play a diverse range of music, from RnB and rock to blues, reggae, and Polynesian music. Their energetic performance is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, highlighting the vibrant talent emerging from Porirua.
“The series has been well attended and the feedback about the musicians is positive. We will hold our last concert on Sunday,” says Frances Austin from Friends of Pātaka.
The Friends of Pātaka Winter Music Series continues to fulfill its mission of bringing exceptional music to Porirua, making it accessible to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience such performances. This year’s series not only offers high-quality entertainment but also encourages more people to discover the special and interesting place that Pātaka is.